Office Hours: Weekdays – 7:00am to 3:30pm
Telephone: 844-277-6555 EXT 700
Fax: 660-277-4845
The Randolph County Road & Bridge Department maintains approximately 491.76 miles of roads and over 100 bridges in Randolph County in what is referred to as the “Common Road District”. These are all the roads in the unincorporated areas of Randolph County that are not in the Moberly Special Road District. (For more on the Moberly Special Road District see below.) The Randolph County Road and Bridge Department is overseen by the Randolph County Commission.
In addition to the main Road and Bridge Barn located in Huntsville, there are also 4 smaller barns throughout the county to better serve the citizens. Each barn has at least one road grader, as well as other road maintenance equipment available. These barns are located in Cairo, Renick, Thomas Hill and Higbee,
On this page you’ll find links to our Current Road Policies, and a map of county roads. Please feel free to provide us with any feedback about this site or the Road and Bridge Department in general. You may e-mail us at road.bridge@randolphcounty-mo.gov, call Supervisor Mike Rogers at 660-277-4724 or contact the Randolph County Commissioners.
MOBERLY SPECIAL ROAD DISTRICT: Randolph County is also served by the Moberly Special Road District. The MSRD covers an area 8 miles wide and 8 miles long surrounding the city of Moberly. The MSRD is administered and controlled by a separate Commission. By state statute the Randolph County Commission has no authority over any roads in the special road district. You can view the county map to see the area served by the MSRD. You can contact the MSRD by calling 660-263-5494.